UNC Wesley students benefit from a number of Endowed Funds in honor and memory of our ministry's dear friends. Annual distributions from these funds support specific aspects of ministry, including missions, worship, increasing diversity, and more .
For more information about the endowments, or if you are interested in starting a new named endowment for a minimum contribution of $25,000, contact the UNC Wesley Office (919.808.6339, or info@uncwesley.org).
Gifts of any amount to an existing endowed fund can be made online using the giving button below. You may also give to by check to "UNC Wesley Campus Ministry, 201 E. Rosemary St, Ste 100, Chapel Hill, NC 27243," noting the particular endowment in the memo line. To support an endowment through a gift of stock, your estate or another asset please contact our office.
For more information about the endowments, or if you are interested in starting a new named endowment for a minimum contribution of $25,000, contact the UNC Wesley Office (919.808.6339, or info@uncwesley.org).
Gifts of any amount to an existing endowed fund can be made online using the giving button below. You may also give to by check to "UNC Wesley Campus Ministry, 201 E. Rosemary St, Ste 100, Chapel Hill, NC 27243," noting the particular endowment in the memo line. To support an endowment through a gift of stock, your estate or another asset please contact our office.
Robert Troy “Bob” Barrett Fund for Student Mentorship

Bob and Marcia Barrett (seated) with Their Children and Grandchildren
Ministry Supported: Staffing Support
Established in loving memory of Bob Barrett’s life-long dedication to college students, Methodism, and the University of North Carolina, this fund will ensure that Methodist students at UNC Chapel Hill receive the mentorship they need to discern God’s call upon their lives and develop the requisite Christian character and leadership skills to align their lives with God’s purpose in the world. In addition to his lifelong career in higher education, Bob is the son of Rev. Troy and Robbie Barrett of the North Carolina Annual Conference.
This fund was established by a gift from Bob’s wife, Marcia Barrett.
This fund was established by a gift from Bob’s wife, Marcia Barrett.
Laura Gallo Fund for Student Programming

Laura Gallo (left) with Campus Minister Jan Rivero
Ministry Supported: Community Building and Social Events
In recognition of over 22 years (1999-2021) of caring for the students, staff, alumni, and friends of Wesley, this Fund was started upon Laura’s retirement in 2021. As Laura (pictured left with former Campus Minister Jan Rivero) was instrumental in making sure students were well fed and all details of events were well organized, the available income from this Fund will go directly to student programming, including dinners and retreats.
Fund for the Worship Arts in Memory of Wilson Hayman and his Parents, Mary Helen and Donald Hayman

Wilson Hayman Playing cello at Hayes Barton UMC
Ministry Supported: Worship
Wilson, Mary Helen, and Donald were all instrumental in Wesley becoming the Ministry it is today. Their caring, guidance, and support will never be forgotten. Wilson cared deeply for Methodist liturgy and worship music. He was an accomplished cellist and also sang in the Hayes-Barton United Methodist Church Chancel Choir. This Fund was started in 2021 with memorial gifts made upon Wilson’s untimely passing in 2020.
Reverend Robert L. Johnson Fund for a Diverse Wesley

Bob Johnson (lower right) with Wesley Students
Ministry Supported: Staffing and Programs to Increase Diversity in UNC Wesley
Bob Johnson served as Campus Minister from 1957-1975, impacting hundreds of UNC students during a very turbulent time. This Fund was started in 2020, in honor of Bob’s 90th birthday, and in support of projects that promote diversity and helping Wesley welcome all students into the Ministry.
Bill and Rosalie Olsen Endowment

Rosalie Olsen (center) with Jim Kocher (Left) and Campus Minister Ryan Spurrier (right)
Ministry Supported: General Support to all Wesley Needs
Begun in 2017 upon Bill’s death, this Fund honors Bill, a Wesley alumnus, Class of 1951, and his wife, Rosalie. Life-long Methodists, Rosalie continues to be an active participant in University United Methodist Church. The available income from this Fund is for general operating expenses, and has most recently been used to make the student lounge more inviting to students.
Manuel and Karen Wortman Fund for Student Missions

Manuel and Karen Wortman with Their Children
Ministry Supported: Student Mission Experiences
Student missions were central to Manuel’s leadership as UNC Wesley’s Campus Minister from 1975 to 1998. Manuel led students on legions of mission trips, both within the U.S. and to Mexico and other international destinations. These mission experiences profoundly influenced Manuel’s students to commit their lives to serving others. Over 50 of Manuel’s students became United Methodist pastors, and many hundreds of others are leaders in their churches, work places and communities.
Karen and Manuel raised their three children (Kristen, David, and Justin) during the years that Manuel was at UNC Wesley. Karen and the children frequently interacted with Wesley students, and the entire family was also active in the life of University United Methodist Church.
For several years following his tenure at UNC Wesley, Manuel was the director of campus ministries for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. And following his retirement from campus ministry, Manuel was the beloved Pastor for Visitation for University UMC. Manuel retired from UUMC in 2020.
Karen and Manuel raised their three children (Kristen, David, and Justin) during the years that Manuel was at UNC Wesley. Karen and the children frequently interacted with Wesley students, and the entire family was also active in the life of University United Methodist Church.
For several years following his tenure at UNC Wesley, Manuel was the director of campus ministries for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. And following his retirement from campus ministry, Manuel was the beloved Pastor for Visitation for University UMC. Manuel retired from UUMC in 2020.